Friday 22 September 2017

Unsupervised Classification>Practical Work Of ERDAS IMAGINE

NDVI (Unsupervised Classification)
Ø  Open ERDAS IMAGINE 2013 and open it
Ø  Click on file and click on open then click on raster layer
Ø  Click on RS lab 10 then click on Lab 10
Ø  Click on Lanier – 7 bands. Img
Ø  Right click on layer and click on fit to frame
Ø  Click on Raster
Ø  Click on unsupervised and click on NDVI
Ø  Click on select output file
Ø  Click on folder where the layer saves
Ø  Click on file name and save the file name then click on ok
Ø  Click on index and click on choose index to compute and choose the compute index of according to your own choice.
Ø  Then click on ok and close
Ø  Open Arc map and click on add data
Ø  Then click on leaner ire N0.1. img and click on add
Ø  Right click on leaner no.1. img
Ø  Click on properties
Ø  Click on select color Ramp
Ø  Click on insert then click on ok
Ø  Click on Arc toolbox
Ø  Click on spatial Analyst tools
Ø  Click on reclass then click on reclassify
Ø  Click on input Raster then click on leaner no1. Img
Ø  Click on ok
Ø  Right click on open attribute table
Ø  Click on table options
Ø  Click on add filed
Ø  Name: Area
Ø  Type: Double then click on ok select the count values
Ø  Click on Area and then click on filed calculator
Ø  Click on count [(count+)*900] / 1000000
Ø  Click on start then click on Excel
Ø  Add the values of area in Microsoft Excel
Ø  Click on insert then click on pie graph
Ø  Again click on percentage pie graph
Ø  In the paint and click on paste
Ø  Click on paint then click on save the picture in the form of JPEG
Ø  Go back to Arc GIS
Ø  Click on layout view click on file and select A4 size page
Ø  Click on insert then click on Title, legend, Text, North arrow, scale bar and click on picture
Ø  Click on layers and show the Grids
Ø  Click on file then click on Export map

Ø  Click on save and then click on file the name and save the picture in the form of JPEG

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