Friday 22 September 2017

Spatial Analysis

 Spatial Analysis 
Antarctica Map
Ø  Open ArcMap and Add Layer “ ADD_v3_vectors.lyr”
Ø  Add “surface_elev”
Ø  Click surf_elev layer and open properties
Ø  Click on classified
Ø  Click on color ramp and select elevation #2
Ø  Open Arctoolbox
Ø  Click on Spatial Analyst Tools
Ø  Click on Extraction
Ø  Click on Extract by Mask
Ø  Right Click on Extract able layer
Ø  Go on properties
Ø  Click on symbology
Ø  Click standard and right click on color ramp and chose colour
Ø  Click on hill shad
Ø  Open a box and fill it
Ø  Then ok
Ø  Right Click on hill shad layer and go to properties
Ø  Click on display and change transparency
Ø  Add new file bed_elev
Ø  Click on extract by mask
Ø  Then open a box and fill it
Ø  Click ok
Ø  Right click on extract bed_elev and go on properties
Ø  Click on display and change transparency
Ø  Click on symbology
Ø  Right click on color ramp and change the colour
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Open raster calculator from Arc Toolbox
Ø  Open calculator box and apply the formula
Ø  Con(“clip_bed_elev”<=0,1)
Ø  Change the output raster from environment
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Right Click on raster layer and go on properties
Ø  Click general and change name
Ø  Click on display and change transiency
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Open counters from Arc toolbox
Ø  Open a box and fill it
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Add a new layer ice_thick
Ø  Open surface volume from 3D analyst tools and click functional surface
Ø  Open a box and fill it
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Right click on ice layer and click open table and see volume
Ø  Open raster calculator
Ø  Apply the formula on ice_thick
Ø  “Ice_thick”*0.2825
Ø  Change output raster
Ø  Then click ok
Ø  Again Open raster calculator
Ø  Apply the formula on “ADD_v3_vectors lyr\boundry_water”*0.2825
Ø  “ADD_v3_vectors lyr\boundry_water”*0.2825
Ø  Change output raster
Ø  Then click on ok

Ø  Now give the coordinate system and title on map and save image in JPEG format.

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