Friday 22 September 2017

How To Make A Contour Elevation Map On GiS?

Contour Elevation Map
Ø Open Arc map  and click on Elevation
Ø Click on add and add the elevation
Ø Click on Arc toolbox
Ø Click on spatial analyst tools
Ø Click on surface
Ø Click on contour
Ø Click on input raster
Ø Click on elevation
Ø Click on contour and give value
Ø Click on ok
Ø Click on contour elevation 2
Ø Click on properties
Ø Click on classify and select the classes 5
Ø Click on Arc toolbox
Ø Click on spatial Analyst tools
Ø Click on surface
Ø Click on input raster
Ø Click on elevation click on ok
Ø Click on layout view
Ø Click on file and click page and print setup
Ø Click on size and select A4 page size
Ø Click on landscape and click on ok
Ø Click on insert and click on title, text, legend, North arrow, and scale bar
Ø Click on file and then click on Export map

Ø Click on save and save the picture in the form of JPEG

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