Friday 22 September 2017

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis
Ø  Open the Regression Tutorial Arc_GIS
Ø  Open Regression Exercises
Ø  Open the Regression Analysis 911 Calls on Arc Map
Ø  Go on table content
Ø  Right click on Hot Spot analysis
Ø  Click on Activate
Ø  Right Click on 911 Calls
Ø  Go on Properties
Ø  Go on Source
Ø  Click on Set data resource
Ø  Open Regression Exercises
Ø  Open Data folder
Ø  Select the 911 Calls and Add it
Ø  Click on Apply
Ø  Click on OK
Ø  Right click on Regression Analysis
Ø  Go on Activate
Ø  Then click on Full  Extent
Ø  Now Click on Window
Ø  Select the overview
Ø  Now go on Arc Tools Box
Ø  Right click on empty place in tools box
Ø  Click on environment
Ø  Expand the Work Space
Ø  Click the Current workspace
Ø  And again go on Regression Exercises
Ø  Give the folder Outputs
Ø  Then add it
Ø  Then expand the output coordinates
Ø  Click on output coordinates system
Ø  Click on 1st box
Ø  Select the as Specified below
Ø  Then check the 2nd box that coordinates is correct
Ø  Then click or expand the field
Ø  And check that correct sign is ok
Ø  And then click on OK
Ø  Click on Geoprocessing
Ø  Click on Geoprocessing Option
Ø  Background processing if is unable
Ø  Then click and able
Ø  Then click on OK
Ø  Go on table content
Ø  ObsData911calls unable it
Ø  And right click on ObsData91Calls
Ø  Click on open attribute table
Ø  And check out the all properties
Ø  Go on Arc tool box
Ø  Expand the Spatial Statistical  tool
Ø   Expand Modeling Spatial Relationship
Ø  Then click on Ordinary Least Squares
Ø  Click on input feature class
Ø  Select 1st box ObsData91Calls
Ø  Now in 2nd box Unique ID field
Ø  Select Unique ID
Ø  Now output feature class open
Ø  Go on Open Regression Exercises
Ø  Open Regression analysis
Ø  Click on Outputs
Ø  Type in Name  box OLS911Calls.shp
Ø  Then save it
Ø  Click on dependent variable box
Ø  Select Calls
Ø  Now select Explanatory variables
Ø  Select Popu
Ø  Then click on OK
Ø  Then process is continue for few minute
Ø  When process is complete OLS
Ø  Then go on result
Ø  Expand OLS
Ø  Then expand Messages
Ø   Check the No. of Observation (87)
Ø  Check the Variables (2)
Ø  Check the R-Squared
Ø  Check the Adjust R-Squared
Ø  Go on calculator
Ø  And write the R-Squared values
Ø  Click on view
Ø  Then go on graphic
Ø  And click on create scatter plot matrix
Ø  Click on layer table
Ø  And select OBS data911Calls
Ø  Click on below the field name
Ø  Select calls
Ø  Then click below the calls
Ø  And select  Popu
Ø  Then click below popu
Ø  Select Renters
Ø  Then click below the renters
Ø  Select MedIncome
Ø  And check Width, length
Ø  Change the number of bins (9)
Ø  Click on Next
Ø  Check the scatter plots
Ø  Then click on Finish
Ø  Go on Arc tool box
Ø  Again click on OLS tool
Ø  Click on 1st box input features
Ø  Select OBS data911Calls
Ø  Click on 2nd box UniqID field
Ø  Select UniqID
Ø  Click on 3rd box output feature
Ø  Go on folder Regression analysis
Ø  And write the name ‘OLS911callsOLS.shp’
Ø  Then save it
Ø  Click on 4th box dependent variable
Ø  Select Calls
Ø  Now in box explanatory variable
Ø  Select popu, jobs, lowedu, ds2urbnCenter
Ø  Now click on OK
Ø  Process is continue for few time
Ø  When our process is complete like come OLS
Ø  Check on result
Ø  Expend the 1st OLS
Ø  Click on message
Ø  And check the multi R-squared and adjust R-squared
Ø  Again click on calculator
Ø  And now again write R-Squared value
Ø  Go on tool box
Ø  Now expand Analyzing pattern
Ø  Click on Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran I)
Ø  Click on 1st box input feature
Ø  And select the OLS911callsOLS
Ø  Now click in 2nd box input field
Ø  Select StdResid
Ø  And check it generate Report
Ø  Click on standardization
Ø  Select Row
Ø  Now click on Ok
Ø  Again process to be continue
Ø  When process is complete of OLS
Ø  Go on result
Ø  Expand the  Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran I)
Ø  Click on HTML report file morans I HTML
Ø  Now graph of auto correlation show on
Ø  Again go result
Ø  Expand the 2nd OLS
Ø  Then expand the Messages
Ø  Now check the popu, jobs etc
Ø  Now again go tool box
Ø  Expand the  Modeling Spatial Relationship
Ø  And open the geographical weighted regression
Ø  In 1st box select in input feature OBSdata911calls
Ø  In 2nd box dependent variable
Ø  Select Calls
Ø  In 3rd box firstly select Pop
Ø  Then jobs
Ø  Then lowedu
Ø  Then Dst2Urbncen
Ø  Click on output feature
Ø  Give a path regression exercises
Ø  And output
Ø  Give a name ResultGWR.shp
Ø  And then save it
Ø  And click on Kernal/types
Ø  Select adaptive
Ø  Click on Ok
Ø  Process to be continue
Ø  When process will be continued  and sign is check
Ø  Again go on Results
Ø  Expand the GWR
Ø  Then expand Messages
Ø  And check it
Ø  Now again go on tool box
Ø  Right click on GWR vs Prediction
Ø  Click on Edit
Ø  Result is show on screen
Ø  Now double click on GWR Regression
Ø  And check the all table
Ø  Click on OK
Ø  Now click on Run  > sign then process to be continue
Ø  Now go on table content and check the result which are shown
Ø  Click on page and print setup
Ø  Click on size and select A4 size page
Ø  Click on landscape
Ø  Click on ok
Now add the legend north arrow and give the coordinate system and then export the map in JPEG format

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis Ø   Open the Regression Tutorial Arc_GIS Ø   Open Regression Exercises Ø   Open the Regression Analysis 911 Calls...